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Implementing the Labs with our "Prepare - Embody - Reflect - Assess" Process

Click on each of the four steps below for guidance on how to successfully implement the labs in your training or teaching.

Set Up - Prepare


How do I prepare to integrate Embodied Labs into my training or teaching?

  • How to choose which lab experience to use first
  • How to facilitate a lab experience. 
  • Explore equipment setup options  
  • Find equipment setup instructions 


Set Up - Embody


How can I help my learners have the best possible embodiment experience on the day?

What to say to learners just before they put on the VR Headset or start a Web Immersive Lab Experience, to maximize their success.  



Set Up - Reflect


How can I facilitate conversations between learners, so they reflect on and better retain their experience? 

Here are some suggested ways to help learners reflect on their lab experiences and what they may mean for their care practice.



Set Up - Assess


How can I assess or better understand the effect of the lab experiences on my learners?

To understand how your learners’ perspectives and care practice change as a result of their Embodied Labs experiences, we recommend setting up pre and post assessments.